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Monday, 8 October 2018

Diseases of Farm Animals

The disease that attack farm animals are caused mainly by viruses, bacteria, protozoa and parasites bigger than protozoa such as flukes, roundworm,  hookworms and tapeworms. 

Methods of spread

Healthy animals become infected through

• excreta and urine of sick animals which are usually contaminated with the disease causing agent or its egg or larvae,
• contaminated feeds and water, 
• close contact with sick animals,
• animal carriers, which though , infected with the disease causing agents, do not show signs of the disease.

Methods of Control

Diseases of farm animals can be controlled by farm management that prevents the spread of the diseases. This includes
• good shelter with adequate living space for each animal, 
• National grazing,
• good sanitation practices ( removing animal droppings, cleaning water cans and feed troughs and disinfecting shelters regularly) , 
• good and adequate feeding'
• inspecting animals , and removing unhealthy animals and keeping them away from the healthy ones, 
• giving animals animals all the necessary vaccinations to prevent them from getting certain serious diseases, 
• protecting animals by giving them medicine that helps them to resist certain diseases like trypanosomiasis,
• quarantining new stock, 
• keeping farm animals away from areas that are infested with animal carriers, vectors and intermediate hosts of disease causing agents, and
• getting the veterinary staff to check animals as soon as they show sign of a disease.

   A farmer should choose the breed of farm animals that he wants to rear with great care. Beside their productivity, he should ensure that the breed can survive in the environment and are resistant to the prevailing pests, parasites and diseases in the region.