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Monday 20 August 2018

The fourth Principle Of Wealth Creation

  Before you can think about making money or accumulating wealth, you have to first of all ponder in what you own to give in exchange for the money, if you were to be employed in a manufacturing company what should be your remuneration, shall be based on what you can offer I.e; in a construction company, you cannot expect the company's messengers to earn the same amount with the engineers that do the core operations of the company. Money is a medium of exchange and it will pay no further than the level of skill, or abilities or tokens you can give in exchange for it. The level of information that you have gathered, your skills and other forms of ability that you posses is the direct determinant factor of how much your earning power would be.

Knowledge they say is power, but knowledge that is not mixed with wisdom and understanding put into creative endeavours/work before it can be transformed in to power. You cannot Successfully do anything in this world except you possess sound knowledge about it.

In the bible we learnt of a tree that produces two kinds of fruits called the tree of knowledge that yields the fruits: of good and evil. Knowledge can be wrong or right, good or evil depending on its source and validity. When Adam and eve ate of the tree, their eyes were opened because it is the fruit of the tree of knowledge. If not for the advancement of knowledge, we will still be living in the stone Age, but as knowledge is increasing, civilization and industrialization is emanating.

As inquisitive and teachable spirit is the spirit of learning. Nature, our environment and God wishes to impact on us knowledge on daily basics, but very few people are in tune to receive this precious gift. Nobody knows everything, we understand in parts and there are no two people people that have the same amount of information in them, our learning is not the same. Everybody you meet whether great or small, poor or rich, older or younger has something to teach you.

We must always be on alert to acquire information  as we meet with people daily. Every man is a product of the book he reads, the people he meets and the places that he or she has been. The bible says that men shall go to and from travelling and acquiring knowledge.
Travelling is one big way of acquiring knowledge and increasing learning (Daniel 12:4)
Another very strong tool is the Internet, we are living in the information age this, a time whereby information and knowledge is readily available everywhere at a very cheap rage. The knowledge or information that would take you to the next level of your career is at the click of one button away.
Outside hunches from God, the internet is the second most reliable source of assembling information. You can ask a question and get different answers and you do your sorting to come to a deduction or conclusion on what you want. Amassing wealth or financial security is very easy in the information age because there is the knowledge of the "How to do it" everywhere. As we are gathering information and knowledge we must or should learn to do our sorting, assembling and documentation of data for future reference(s).

We are supposed to keep record of our experiences, history, past mistakes and observations/ intuition because tomorrow, such information would become our raw materials for success in any endeavour you find yourself.

Poverty is simply ignorance and a Product of an unhealthy mind; that is not developed. Be in haste to acquire skill, or information if you want to succeed.

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