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Friday 9 November 2018

Adaptations of Birds

Birds that are carnivores like the hawk, owl and eagle have strong and hooked beaks adapted for killing and tearing the flesh of their prey. Their feet are strong with sharp claws for catching and carrying prey.

   Seed eating birds such as sparrows and weaver have short, thick beams for cracking the hard covering of seeds or nuts. Birds that feed on insects and nectar like the wood pecker and sunbird have long, slender and pointed beaks. 

   Many birds like sparrows and crowd perch on branches, overhead cables, etc. Their feet are suited for perching. Each foot has four toes, the hind one being well developed. The muscled in each leg tighten the toed around the perch when the birds rests on it. The toes are so tightly locked that the bird will not fall of the perch even when it is asleep. They are loosened only when the bird straightens its legs.

    Bird like ducks which can swim have webbed feet. They also have beaks which are adapted for gripping fish and driving the muddy dates for food. Waders like the ibis have long, narrow, curved beaks for probing the muddy shores for food.

    Fowls have strong feet with blunt nails for scratching the earth for worms, grains and seeds. Their beaks are also short and stout to suit their diet.