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Monday 3 December 2018

Organs of Vegetative Propagation and Perennation

Name - Example - Description of Organ - How new Plant develops

• Bulbil - Bryophyllum, wild yam - Buds (not a perennating organ) - Axillary buds which fail from parent plant and grow into new plants.

• Bulb - Onion, garlic, lily - Underground condensed shoot with short stem bearing fleshy and scaly leaf bases and axillary and terminal buds (perennating organs) - Terminal and axils buds develop into new plants.

• Runner - Sweet potato, some grasses - Weak stems that creep on soil surface and root at nodes (not a perennating organ) - Several stems radiate from the parent plant. Buds at the nodes develop into new plants.

• Sucker - pineapple, banana, plantain - Short underground horizontal branches ending in terminal buds (perennating organ) - Several underground branches grow horizontally from the underground stem of the parent plant. The terminal buds grow upwards, out of the soil, and develop into new plants.

• Rhizomes - Ginger , canna lily, some grasses, ferns - Underground horizontal branching stems with lateral and terminal buds and scale leaves (perennating organ) - Bud at tip branch grows upward and forms a shoot with new leaves and flowers.

• Corm - Cocoyam, caladium - Underground short, swollen stem bases that grow vertically (perennating organ) - Bids develop in axils of scale leaves around corm. These grow upwards and form leaves and flowers

• Stem tuber - Yam, Irish potato - swollen trip of underground branches (perennating organs) - Axillary bids on tuber growth into new aerial shoots.

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