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Friday 24 August 2018

Definition of Nouns

Words that name people, things , places or qualities we call nouns. Disk, boy, house, England, honesty are all nouns. Any male child is called a 'boy' ; a building in which people live is called a 'house' ; any large area of land that has national boundaries is called a 'country' but only one country is called 'England' .  Although we cannot see or hear or smell or feel 'honesty' , we all know what is meant by it. So all of these are nouns.

  But we have already mentioned different kind of nouns. 'Chair' is name common to to all seats suitable for one person to sit on, and having a back to lean against; 'boy' is a name common to all male children. We call these common nouns.

   'India' is a name given only to one particular place. 'Disu' is a name given to one particular boy. It is proper to use that name only for that particular country or that particular boy. Notice that they both begin with capital letters. These we call proper nouns. Names of days of the week and months of the year are also proper nouns.  They all begin with capital letters. We also treat certain titles given to people as if they were names. For example, the President, the Principal.

  There are many nouns like 'honesty'  we cannot say that 'honesty' is a thing, but our idea of 'honesty'  is just as  certain as if it was a thing. The same goes for 'knowledge' ,  'kindness', 'regularity',  'difference' and 'helpfulness' . such nouns we call abstract nouns. These are name of qualities.

Exercise 3
Write out a list of all the nouns in this passage. Against each one write C if it is a common noun , P if it is a proper noun, or A if it is an abstract noun:

The teacher was much impressed by kofi's great diligence. He worked from early morning till late at night. Only on Saturday did he take an evening off, and even then he returned in good time to the house so as to prepare for the next day's work.

Exercise 4
Supply suitable nouns to fill the blank in these sentences

- The ....... Ran quickly across the floor, and disappeared into a ....... In the corner.

- All the ........ In town barked loudly at the ........

- ............. Is mined in this country.

- The old students' ......... Holds frequent.........

- He gave a ....... To his girlfriend.

- Reading is a great .......... For many students.

- Every ........ I see him, he talks about his exam.

Exercise 5
Make up ten sentence using a pair of these nouns in each one:

1. Wheels engine
2. Hammer Handle
3. Money market
4. Loom weaver
5. Gift journey
6. Honesty bank
7. Time journey
8. Whiskers ears
9. Flowers Scent
10. Sky clouds

Exercise 6
Copt out the nouns in the following sentences. If you see an abstract noun, write abstract at the side of it.

1. Experience is the best teacher

2. Politeness is a help in your relations with other people.

3. The judge was full of doubt as he listened to evidence.

4. The discovery of oil made a big difference to Nigeria economy.

5. His influence was felt throughout the country.

6. The difference between the two friends was very obvious.

7. The telephone is a useful invention.

You will find that many abstract nouns seem to be formed from other words. For example, from 'wise' we make 'wisdom', from 'regular' we make 'regularity'.

Exercise 7
From the following words , make abstract nouns. Checks in your dictionary for help if you do not know.
1. Honest 2. Different 3. Please 4. Involve 5. Imprison 6. True 7. Prepare 8. Pure 9. Grieve 10. Introduce

Exercise 8 
Use each of the words you have made in Exercise 7 in only one of the blank space in the following sentences. Write out each completed sentence:

1. It gives me great ......... To see you all here at kafanchan Today.

2. His son's early Death caused great ..,..... To Mr Kofi.

3. There was great .......... For the President arrival.

4. The ......... May never be known.

5. Please help me to get an .............. To the manager.

6. ........... Is the best policy.

7. The research chemist tested for the ......... Of the substance.

8. Adebayo was blamed for his........ In the case.

9. I can see no ........ Between Fatu's work and mine.

10. Ibrahim's crime led to his eventual .........

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