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Sunday 19 August 2018

Understand The Reason For Your Existing

Successful lives are motivated by dynamic purpose God can only bless your plan and direct you in accomplishing it if you have one strong conviction preceded by great actions.

The only time we can begin to live a meaningful life is when we understand the purpose of our existence in this world. The purpose of God for creating us is with himself and can be revealed to us when we cone close. To him. The very day God created each person he put inside them what they should become. Nobody ever come to this planet earth by accident, but God created each of us with wonderful purpose and that is why when we don't discover God's appointed place for our life, it becomes tragedy to our lives. Because we can only do very well in the area God had Apportioned for us.

You can believe with me that before anything is manufactured the manufacturer has something in mind of what that things to be and what he want it to look like. Therefore, the purpose of something is the reason for which it exist or the manufacturer original intent for making it. This, the purpose of a things cannot be discovered by asking another thing. Only the manufacturer knows why he crested the product the way he did.
God is our source manufacturer, he knows why he gave life and endowed us with the personality talents, and ambitions that makes us unique. He wants to discover why we were born so we fulfil our purpose. A sense of purposrgives life meaning. It moves us beyond the existence to a  fulfilling and productive life. "If you try to live with out God you will completely mess up your life, because life without purpose brings abuse" Myles Munroe. The Power That Instigates Your Thinking Is The Power of Purpose

What can make a man think positively is the power of purpose; when you have set a definite purpose for yourself it will make you think on how to fulfil that purpose when you dont have any plan for your life there is nothing to think about. Purpose is a Path that leads to life fulfilment. Purpose is a path that leads to life fulfilment. Purpose is like a rail through which train goes on. Intact no purpose no positive thinking. Best this in mind before you change your thinking that changes your world, there must be need for change, have yourself a vision.

"Many are the plans in a Man's heart" , proverb 19:21 the scriptures aags many are the plans in man's heart. Many, not one , or two but many. You make plans for life, I make plans for my life too. Therefore , we must do the thinking, how does plans in our hearts should be executed.

Our minds are thought factory where ideas are put together that enable us Achieve our purpose. What propels your imagination to think creatively is that great vision of your heart, that big baby called vision in your belly how to deliver this baby, which at times keeps you sleepless at night, thinking how to achieve the vision.

"Often it is just a lack of imaginations that keeps a man from his potential. Thinking of new ideals is like sharing, if you don't do it everyday, you are a bum. Have a constant flow of new, exciting and powerful ideas on which you act immediately" John L. Mason

What instigates your power of thinking is purpose. Your purpose are a preview to your greatness. Great men who have achieved great this his have been visional. It may be that those who do most , vision or dream most. "A shallow thinker seldom makes a deep impression. We act, or fail to act, not because of will, as is so commonly believed, but because of purpose. Only when you see the invisible can you do the impossible" John L. Mason. Remember what empowers your thinking faculty is your purpose, purpose gives you sense of direction.

Purpose is the touchstone of any accomplishment, large or small. A strong man can be defeated by a child who has a purpose. Shift your habits of thinking about the significance of your task and you can often accomplish the seemingly impossible.

"Now there were four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate. They said to each other, "why stay here until we die" ? 2kings 7:3. The four men were disabled they suffered leprosy as a result of which nobody could ever near them, neither could they themselves go to  anybody, that was the state of anybody who happened to suffer leprosy as at that time; they were ostracised. That made them to live a life of begging the day people gave to them food, it would be the day they have to eat. And believe me I see something in the lives of these four lepers men that impressed me so much, very challenging. In their terrible condition they see and think their change.. There were very many reasons around them that could have stopped them from thinking how they could have changed their lives, yet they think positively.
"For as he (man) thinketh in his heart, so is he". The seed of greatness is in the life of everybody, but it is only you can cultivate that seed in you. These four leprous men had purpose for their life. Remember this purpose is the wheel that drives you to life of fulfilment.
The things I see in the lived of these leprous men that is challenging , are:

1. Despite of their condition, they still saw the need for change in their life's.

2. They overcame every circumstance around them, that could not agree with their decision.

3. They changed the life of limitation, to life of fulfilment.

4. The leprous men saw in themselves that they could achieve more than what people thought they can achieve.

5. They were tired of begging and depending on people; they started thinking how they will come out of that situation.

6. Therefore there is no reason you must remain in that conditions it is time to move forward.

Bear this in mind, you are the product of yourself, therefore you can cause change, you can rewrite the story of your life by setting a vision for yourself. "I have learned this at least that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours" Henry Thoreau.

Let me be absolutely 100% clear about where I stand, I'm decided. "No one deserves the right to lead without first preserving through lakn and heartache and failure". Charles R. Swindall.

" I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that he did not trust me so much" Mother Teresa. Power of thinking is the ability to make changes.

"Give us a clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for, because unless we stand for something we shall fall for anything" Peter Marshall.

"A man is as big as the measure of his thinking" therefore, there is no hope of change for success for the person who does not have a central purpose or define goal st which to aim. Purpose is only motivating power that takes one to  life of fulfilment. Purpose keeps one moving. Though he meets temporal obstacles in his way.
"Why sit we here till we die" ?. The four leprous men because they had purpose to their lives they never, allowed the circumstance of leprosy to stop them, instead they  overcame their circumstances. You also can overcome every circumstance around you, that could not agree with your life of fulfilment. If you are a person of purpose.

A person of purpose never gives up to any circumstances they meet on their way to success. Though they fail one thousand times they never surrender to temporal defeat. Why so many people are knocked out of the way to success is because of lack of definite of purpose. "It is not the man with a motive but the man with a purpose who prevails" Anonymous.

When you Come up with definite purpose for your life God will help you to achieve it. Bear this is mind that God is waiting for you to come with a dream for your life, except you demand for it you cannot have it. "Don't dream up thousands of reasons why can" John L Mason

"Little men with little minds and imagination go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds" Anonymous. You can go beyond where you are right now, there is reason why there must be change for your life. Today I charge you to come up with tangible dream for your life and your world  will beginning  to sing the song of success for you. The poorest person in the world is the person without a dream.

"The most frustrated man in the world is the man with a dream that never becomes reality. I am certain that every individual on this planet no matter their culture, nationality or socio economic status has had a dream of some sort. The ability of children to dream is natural instinct instilled by the creator. No matter how poor or rich we are, whether we were born in bush, village or an undeveloped nation or amidst the marble floors the aristocracy of society, we all have childhood dreams. These dreams are visual manifestations of our purpose, seeds of destiny planted in the soil of our imagination. I am convinced that God created and gave us the gift of imagination to provide us with a Glimpse of our purpose in life and to activate the hidden ability within each of UE. Purpose is the reason why something was met". Myles Munroe.

"The greatest tragedy in life is not death,  but life that fails to  fulfil its purpose and potential" Anonymous.
Purpose keeps you moving, unstoppable, limitless on your way to success.

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