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Sunday 19 August 2018

How To Raise Money

  The problem with Beginners and the People who want to go into business or vocation is that they focus too much on the secondary things needed for actualizing their dreams instead of finishing the elementary side of it first; it is said that first things must come first, before other things follow. In your effort towards turning your ideas into cash there are steps you must follow "in a religious Order" which include:

- Step One Towards Turning Your Ideas Into Cash : 

Money making begins with a Concept (an idea), if you already have one, Then what you need to do next is to master the idea; by acquiring relevant information that the idea require to start running.

- Step Two Towards Turning Ideas Into Cash :

Write down your ideas on paper in a way that a lay person can read and understand. Nothing should be left to the heart, everything should be slated. When planning, plan like you have all it takes (resources) to carry out your operations; and plan big.

-Step Three Towards Turning Ideas Into Cash :

Make a Feasibility Study; by acquiring relevant information/ Knowledge or skill that would help to materialize.
Criticize the idea: find out all the hazards or risk factors involved in doing such a Business; do what if it fails analysis.
Evaluate the idea; do research to find out the market acceptability of such product or service before investing your time and resources or energy on it.
Package the idea; make the idea look presentable and credible; register it will all the Necessary regulatory authorities.
Sell the idea; market the idea to your prospective buyers and /or investors

- Step Four Towards Turning Ideas Into Cash

Partner with the people, Individual or cooperate organisation that has the resources you need to make your dreams a reality.
Everything in your fund raising boils down to your ability to sell your idea to other people: selling is a transfer of enthusiasm.

If you believe in your idea or concept and you cannot sell it to someone else and make him enthused about it them you have to go back and train Your Self on salesmanship, influence and Persuasion.

It is believed in investment banking that if you cannot sell your idea or defend it, you Aldo would not be able to successfully run it.

While selling your idea to bring in investors to it, only gibe out the bait (,to your prospective investor) and keep to yourself the heart of the concept; to avoid loosing yphr concept or idea to smart people who may go behind you to implement it.

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