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Sunday 19 August 2018

When And How Speaking In Tongues Can Be Used In The Church

  The Second type of speaking in tongues (When what is spoken is not understood first hand) is only useful to the Church, if what is said by the speaker is interpreted so that every one can understand what the speaker is saying and therefore be edified by them.

Scriptural Reference

   While I Should like you all to speak in tongues, I would much rather you could prophesy, since those who prophesy are of greater importance than those who speak in tongues, unless they can interpret what they say so that the church is built up by it. 1 Cor. 14:5.

   What is spoken in the Church can only be of benefit to the church, if it is meaningful and brings either a Revelation, knowledge, a prophesy, or a form of instructive words or encouragement, or anything that can edify the church.

Scriptural Reference

  "Now suppose, brothers, I come to you and speak in tongues, why good shall I do you if my speaking provides no revelation or knowledge or prophesy or instruction? 1 Cor. 14:16

It is an Abuse of the gift of tongues, therefore if the speakers in tongues speak in the church gathering without any one interpreting what they are saying. The ideal thing, scripturally for such speakers to do, is to be quiet, since what they are saying are not interpreted to the Congregation and therefore would not be of any Hood to them. The purpose for which each of the gifts of the holy spirit (charisma) is given to the church, is for them to be used for the general good of the Church (1 Cor. 12:7).

    From the above scriptural reference, it is equally an abuse of speaking in tongues for more than one person to speak in tongues at the same time. They should speak one after the other with somebody interpreting what each person says.

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