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Sunday 19 August 2018

Defining Speaking In Tongues

To speak in tongues, from Scriptural point of view means to speak in different Languages Under the power (influence) of the holy spirit.

Two ways of Understanding What Speaking In Tongue is

    Scripturally speaking, the expression speaking in tongues could be understood in two ways. The first one is when somebody speaks in different languages under the influence of the holy spirit and the things he or she says are understood perfectly well by his or her listeners in their own native languages, without anyone having to interpret them. A manifestation of this was on the day of Pentecost when the apostles who were all Galileans , Spoke in different languages under the power of the holy spirit and their listeners who were from different foreign nations, Understood the Apostles, in their own Various Native languages without any interpreter.

 Scriptural Reference

When the Pentecost day came Around, they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a Sound as of a Violent wind which filled the entire house in which they were sitting, and there appeared on them tongues as of fire, these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them.

    They were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak different languages, as the spirit gave them power to express themselves.

     Now, there are devout men living in Jerusalem from every nation and at this sound, they all assembled and each one was bewildered to hear these men speaking in his own language. They were amazed and Astonished. " Surely, they said, " All these men speaking are Galileans? How doesbit happen that each of us hears them in his own native language?"

   The second way is when the things the speaker is saying under the power of the holy spirit are not understood first hand by his listeners. Under this situation, the holy spirit present in the speaker, speaks mysteries which are only understood by God, but are mere babbles to men. This is one of the gifts of the holy spirit ,(charisma) to the church (1 For. 12:10). This second way of Understanding "speaking in tongues" which has bible reference below to back it up is what we are discussing in this book.

Scriptural Reference

"Those who speak in tongue, speak to God, but not to other people because nobody understands them, they are speaking in the spirit and the meaning is hidden" 1 For. 14:2


    This seckn manifestation of the holy spirit is a sign to unbelievers (non member of the church) and not to beleers (baptised people who have already accepted our lord Jesus Christ and his Gospel message).

Scriptural Reference

Brothers, do not remain children in your thinking. Infants in wickedness agreed, but in your thinking Grown-ups.

    It says in the written law, in strange tongues and foreign languages, I will talk to this nation, Even so, they will refuse to listen says the lord.
So the strange language are significant not for believers, but for unbeliever's.... " 1 For. 14:20-22

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