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Monday 10 September 2018

Factors that Enhance Product Adaptation

The following factors the adaptation of products in the global marketplace ;

Customers Ability to pay :

 Nations have differing income per capita among themselves which invariably means unequal purchasing power among the target audience. It will be suicidal for a foreign firm to attempt marketing its expensive products to foreign markets where people ( target market) are poor as a result of low per capital income.

Diversity in product use :

as a result of differences in climatic conditions as well as skill level of users of products, product adaptation is much more favourable standardization. This explains why most equipment including automobile coming to Africa are tropicalised to suit our climatic conditions.

Government Influence :

 It is common for various Government exert their sovereignty and forbid the importation or manufacturing of certain goods into their country. For instance, under the african growth and opportunity act (AGOA), the Americans have stipulated minimum requirement or standard for exportable products to America of African origin such as fumigation requirements, packaging, labelling e.t.c.

The firm's History and Operation :

 Most companies had  pre-world  war 2 history in product manufacturing coupled with their pride in their pride in their  operations which singles them out in the international market. Consequently, they still continue developing products in their markets without taking cognizance of international product uniformity within the company.

Established production Facilities :

A firm with well-established manufacturing facilities like Nestle in several countries will find product adaptation easier than any company that relies on exports from domestic plants.

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