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Thursday 15 November 2018

Benefits of Conservation

Conservation of natural resources improves the quality of our life. It enables us to live in a clean and healthy environment. At the same time, within reasonable limits, our energy and material needs are met.

   Conservation preserves the beauty of nature, spectacular scenery such as water falls, lakes, and the mountains; and fascinating wild animals. Outdoor recreational activities such as mature walks, bird watching, camping and picnics become enjoyable and relaxing. Thus, conserving nature enriches our life and is essential for our emotional and mental health.

   The national parks and game reserves of Africa attract tourists from all parts of the world. This is a big source of revenue. Well managed resources provide food and raw materials and energy for industries. These are also important source of revenue.

    Conservation has great scientific value. It allows us to study living organisms in their habitats. Such studies help us to understand our environment and our own life processes and behaviour. It also helps to maintain healthy functioning ecosystems. This is essential for the survival of living organisms including humans.