
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Thursday 15 November 2018

Conservation of Soil

Soil (land) is one of the five most important renewable natural resources. The others are air (atmosphere) , water, forests and wildlife. Soil is the upper layer of the earth's crust where plants grows and agricultural activities are carried out. Many organisms also live in the soil such as earthworms, termites, ants, millipedes, centipedes, crickets, including vertebrates that live in holes made in soil like reptiles and rodents. The soil is usually fertile hence it is able to support plant growth and agriculture. Soil is the source of raw materials for some industries such as pottery, ceramic and block industries. Soil fertility is lost through several ways but the worst and mist devastating is by erosion, especially water erosion. The greatest and worst erosion is the type known ad "gully erosion." This is the type of erosion that has created very deed and wife gullies through a vast area of land over a period of many years. An example is the gully erosion site at Ghana. Many buildings and economic trees have sink into this gully leading to heavy economic losses.