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Sunday 9 December 2018

Vitamins Required by Humans

Vitamins - Function - Deficiency Symptoms - Sources / Daily needs


• A -  Needed for proper functioning of epithelial tissue such as skin, mucous membranes ; component of visual pigments, needed for vision in dim light; essential for normal growth - Skin becomes flaky (horny and dry ) ; night blindness and xerophthalmia (can lead to permanent blindness) - Fish liver oil, palm oil, milk, milk, egg yolk; green and yellow vegetables , fruits (1.5 mg)

• D ( calciferol) - Increases absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines ; calcification and hardening of bones - Rickets in children (poor bone and teeth formation) ; softening of bones in adults - Fish liver oils, egg yolk, butter (synthesized in skin when exposed to sun ultraviolet rays) (0.01 mg)

• E (tocopherol) - Protects fatty acids and cell membranes from oxidation - (--) - Leafy vegetables, seeds , eggs, milk, margarine (15 mg) 

• K - Synthesis of blood clotting factors - Slow clotting of blood leading to severe bleeding from cuts - Liver, vegetables (made by intestinal bacteria) (0.03 mg)


B ( thiamine) - Needed for synthesis of coenzymes involved in cellular respiration - Beri - Beri , ( wasting of muscles, paralysis); stunted growth - Yeast , rice bran , beams, groundnuts, liver (1.0 mg)

• B2 (riboflavin) - Formation of coenzymes involved in cellular respiration - Cracking of skin around corners of nose, mouth and eyes - Eggs, liver, kidney, yeast, leafy vegetables (2 mg)

• B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid) - Formation of coenzymes involved in cellular respiration - Pellagra (scaly pigmented skin, sore mouth and tongue, nervous disorder) - Yeast , liver, milk, eggs, whole grains (made by intestinal bacteria) (18 mg)

• B5 (pantothenic acids) - Formation of coenzymes involved in cellular respiration - Disorder of nervous system and gut - Yeast, eggs, rice bran, (10 mg)

• B6 (pyridoxine) - Formation of enzymes involved in synthesis of amino acids - Anaemia, diarrhoea - Yeast , eggs, cereals (2 mg)

• B12 (cyanocobalamin) - Formation of red blood cells - Pernicious Anaemia - Kidney, liver, fish, milk (3 mg) 

• Folic acids - Formation of red blood cells - Anaemia - Leafy vegetables, liver (0.5 mg)

• C (ascoribic acid) - Requires for healthy connective tissues, bones and dentine; may help to resist infection - Scurvy ( swelling of joints and gums, loosening of teeth, hemorrhages of the skin and membranes) - Fresh citrus fruits, pawpaw, guava, fresh leafy green vegetables (easily destroyed by heat)

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