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Thursday 1 March 2018

Keith Richards makes apology to Mick Jagger for calling him a vasectom

photo of Keith Richards

Rock Artiste Keith Richards on Wednesday made an apology to co mate mick Jagger, rendering his previous statement on mick as "completely out of line".

In his previous piece Richards   called mick " a randy  old bastard"  and even advised him on getting get a vasectomy.

Keith when interviewed apologised to mick  “I deeply regret the comments I made about Mick in the WSJ which were completely out of line,” Richards said in a tweet . “I have of course apologised to him in person.”

Richards word came about after the Journal asked his thought on the recent birth of Jagger most recent child

“Mick’s a randy old bastard,” the guitarist responded in Wednesday’s article. “It’s time for the snip – you can’t be a father at that age. Those poor kids!”

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