
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Friday 31 August 2018

Meaning and Concept of Home Economics

   Originally, this subject was taught in primary, modern and secondary schools as domestic science. The course content then was only aimed at preparing individuals, mostly women for  family and home management. The emphasis was then on crafts and arts. The scope of the subject was myopic in nature and could not actually achieve what it was  meant  to develop in an individual. With the dynamism of life and time, there was Need to revise the course  content and the scope of the subject. This brought about the revision of the , making it suitable to accommodate the original intent.

   Home economics as a subject and as a field of study cuts across many interrelated subjects. It is a broad field of study which primarily concerns itself with the improvement of the welfare of an individual and families at large it deals with all aspect of an individual and family life drawing knowledge from biology, physical and social sciences, humanities and even arts.

(a) it brings out how to determine the needs of an individual and families for clothing , shelter and food.

(b)  Seeks for ways of satisfying these needs.

(c) Improves on the quality of Goods and services used by families.

(d) Makes the individuals become very effective members of the family and community at large  through effective home making and gainful employment.

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