
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Sunday 26 August 2018

Personal development of technology

Technology is developed and not necessarily ' transferred' as many people think. People develop technology when they improve their knowledge, skills and procedures for making, using and doing things. The developed technologies we have today did not appear overnight. They went through decades or even centuries of refinement. They ate products of years of hard work, dedication to duty, positive attitude towards the world of work, patience, endurance , effort and discipline.

  The development of motor cars probably started with wheeled carts drawn by horses. Latter, people started thinking about building power into the coaches instead of pulling them by external forces, I.e horses. From that thought , automobile and steam engines developed . the first ones were obviously crude and inefficient, like George stepson's first steam engine. But as people devoted more time to improving their knowledge and skills, the modern car , diesel and electric railway engines came into being.

   Do you want to help develop your  country's technology? Then a comprehensive system of education such as that introduced in Nigeria from September 1982 will afford you such an opportunity. This new system contains a very important group of subjects, which can be described as 'technology subjects'.

Technology subjects at the Introductory stage include technical drawing. Metalwork, woodwork, electricity, electronics, plastics, ceramics, buildings, etc. These subject  are very important, as they deal with how to apply the knowledge, skills and processes involved in the solution of mans problems. Other subject areas such as the art and sciences deal with the discovery of what exists, e.g the nature and characteristics of properties of our physical and biological environment. But technology uses the knowledge and skills gained from the sciences to provide things that will make life more comfortable for man. These things Include increased production and distribution of food, better clothing, solid and more comfortable buildings, good roads, safer and more comfortable means of transport, good health facilities, e.t.c you can contribute in providing one or  two of the above by studying the technology subjects.

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