
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Friday 7 September 2018

Characteristics of Marketing Functions

   The marketing functions examined above possess the following characteristics:

1.  They must be performed. The satisfaction of the consumers' needs cannot take place unless marketing functions are performed. This means that marketing functions cannot be passed or examined if exchange or the satisfaction of consumers needs is to take place.

2.  They can be shifted.  Manufacturers can shift the performance of their marketing functions to middlemen and middlemen can also shift their own functions to manufacturers,  or even consumers.  For example a manufacturer can shift the transportation of his goods to the middlemen or ultimate consumers by making them to use their own vehicles to move the goods the goods out of his plant or warehouse. Transport is shifted by this means. But its has not been eliminated.

3.   Marketing functions are divisible.  The performance of a single markings function can be shared by two or more members of the channel of distribution for a product. For example manufacturers, distributor, and consumer can jointly participate transportation of fridge from where they are produced until they reach the home to the buyers.

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