The following are the implications of functions to marketers:
1. Marketers and should trying to identify fashion innovators or leaders for their products because of their role in effectively introducing and influencing wide acceptance of the product.
2. India advertising or making communication, marketers could use fashion leaders to present their fashion product.
3. Marketers could organise fashion shows or contest to promote their products.
4. Marketers should trace the fashion cycle of their own product. They should be able to determine the stage of the product in the fashion cycle in order to know the right strategy to adopt.
5. To effectively market their fashion products, marketers should carry out good fashion merchandise. Fashion merchandise refers to the various activities performed at the regional level to affect the process and to ensure the profitable sales of appropriate assignment fashion merchandise anticipation of seasonal consumer demand.
6. The marketer should always make good fashion judgement. Fashion judgement must be focused on questions that relate to the stage of fashion cycle. When will certain new fashion begin to reach general acceptance? has a fashion look or an item of merchandise already reached its peak in terms of acceptance by the consumer? Does a small decline in sales of an item in the regression decline stage is underway?
7. Marketers should realise that successful fashion buying and selling are based on facts, figures, comparisons, and constable fashion judgements.
8. marketer should monitor the fashion trends in the society and try to adopt their product offerings and strategies to these trends.
9. marketers should be abreast with fashion news and activities in other parts of the world. They should be aware how influences emanating from other parts of the globe affect fashion trends in their own immediate marketing environment.