
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Saturday 22 September 2018

Key Family Consumption Roles

There are eight distinct role involved in the family decision making process. They provide further insight into how  family members interact in their various consumption related roles.

The specific roles are:

1) Influencers: This refers to the family member (s),who provides information to other members about a product or service. The individual has the greatest expertise,in acquiring and evaluating information from various sources. The information gatherer or influencers is most aware of alternative sources of information.

2) Gate Keeper: This refers to family member (s) who controls the flow of information about a product or service into the family.

3) Deciders: This refers to family member (s) with the power to unilaterally or jointly determine whether or not to purchase a specific product or service.

4) Buyers: This refers to family member (s) who make the actual purchase of a particular product or services.

5) Prepares: This refers to family member(s) who transforms the product into a form suitable for consumption by other family members.

6) Users: This refers to family members(s) who use or consume a particular product or service.

7) Maintainers: This refers to family member(s) who service or repair the product so that it will provide continued satisfaction.

8) Disposers: This refers to family member(s) who initiates or carry our the disposal or discontinuation of consumption of a particular product or service.