
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Monday 10 September 2018

Significance of Consumer Models

A model of consumer decision making describes a sequence of factor that lead to purchase behavior and hypothesizes the relationship of those factors to behavior and to each other.
A model of consumer behavior offers the following significant advantages :

(1) A model encourages a total integrative view of consumer behavior. Consumer behavior depends on many factors. In other words, it has multivariate  relationships.

(2) A model helps identify areas of information necessary for making Marketing decisions. For example, if brand awareness  and brand attitudes are associated with behaviour,  then these would be key variable to evaluate advertising effectiveness.

(3) A model encourages qualification of these variables.  Relationships like the one between attitude and behavior must be demonstrated in a statistically reliable manner.

(4) A model provides a basis for segmenting markets. If a model hypothesizes that lifestyle is likely to influence consumer choice, then it should be used to identify customer segment; for instance, sociable versus stay at home types or do its yourself  versus buy it types.

(5) And model provides a basic for developing marketing strategies. Perceptions of a brand are related  to behavior, then reinforcing positive perceptions or changing negative perception might strengthen, the brands market position.

(6) A model provides a frame of references for research.

(7) A model is useful in theory construction. Researchable hypothesis flow readily from a carefully designated model and a basis is thus provided for extended knowledge.

(8) A model provides an explantation for performance of a system for instance, a more description of the motivational determinants of buying action is of little use ; it is necessary rather, to explain relations and thereby gain in ability to predict outcomes under varying sets of circumstances. Thus process is virtually impossible without a model of some type, no matter how crude.

(9) A model assists the student of Consumer behavior grasp the nature of variables and their linkages. A model thus can provide real teaching advantages, and this fact in itself, justifies their development and use.

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