
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Thursday 13 September 2018

Stimulus Factors Affecting Perception

Several characteristics of advertising and other marketing stimuli will make the message more likely to be perceived. These characteristics can be divided into structural elements (size,shape,position) and sensory elements (smell, feel,sound,taste). The structural elements have implications mainly for print advertising ,and the sensory elements mainly for direct product experiences(Assael,1984 pp 129-130).

(1) Structural Factors: From studies carried out on print advertising ,the following structural elements affects consumer perception.

(a) Size: The larger the size of the advertising ,the more likely it is to be perceived .

(b) Position: There will be greater awareness of advertisement in the first 10 percent of the pages of a magazine. Beyond this position has little effect. Also,the upper half of a printed page produces more attention than the lower half. But there is little difference if an advertisement is on the left or right hand page(Media Scope, 1963).

(c) Colour: Generally,color advertisements produce more attention than black and white ones.

(d) Contrast: Contrast is likely to produce attention. For instance,the picture of a product on a stark while background may produce attention. Contrast is also produced by television commercials when the sound level is increased to attract attention.

(e) Novelty: Novelty is another attention getting device. This means presenting stimuli in a rather new or peculiar way. However, novelty does not necessarily ensure communication of the massage.

(2) Sensory Factors:Sensory factors will also affect the way an object is perceived. Sensory factors refer to smell ,feel sound and taste. In one study,two fragrances were added to the same facial issue. Consumers perceive one facial tissue as elegant and expensive, and the other as a product to be used in the kitchen,(Copulsky and Martin 1977). Taste is another sensory factor that will condition perception of the object. A strong  coffee,will reduce one image of a brand,a weak coffee quite another. The feel of certain products will also influence perceptions. Softness is considered by consumers as desirable attributes; consider softness in many clothing materials or paper product. Colour also has sensory connotation. One study tasted the identical roll on deodorant in three different  coloured packages. According to respondents the product in one colour scheme dried quickly and was effective,the product in the second had a strong aroma,while the product in the third was irritating and ineffective. Difference in reactions to the identical product were caused only by differences in the colour.

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