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Tuesday 11 September 2018

Types And Systems Of Needs

One of the most important considerations in the study of needs is to develop a complete list of consumers needs. If such a list is developed,it will help marketers in their spirited efforts to satisfy the consumers.

For many years therefore,psychologists and others interested in human behavior have attempted to develop exhaustive lists of human needs or motives. The list have proved to be diverse in content as they have been in length.

Although there is little disagreement about specific physiological needs,there have been considerable disagreements about specific psychogenic needs.
Here we shall  consider the following types and classifications of consumer needs.


Every individual has needs,some of these are innate while others are acquired.
Innate needs are physiological or biogenic. They include the need for food,for water,for air, for clothing ,for shelter and for sex. Because they are required to sustain biological life,the biogenic or innate needs are regarded as primary needs or motives.

Acquired needs in the other hand are needs we learn in response to our culture or environmental. These needs may include needs for esteem,for prestige,for affection,for power,and for learning. Since acquired needs are generally psychological or psychogenic,they are considered secondary needs or motives. These needs result from the induviduals's subjective psychological state and from relationship or association with others.

For example,all individuals need shelter from the elements. Thus finding a place to live fulfills an important primary need for the manager for a bank in Enugu. However,the kind of house the manager buys may be the result of secondary needs. That is he may seek a house in order to fulfill his esteem and social needs.

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