
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Friday 7 September 2018

Why professional Marketers Study Behavioural Aspect of Marketing

Consumer satisfaction is the central theme of marketing. The most important thing that the marketer is concerned with isro ensure that the consumers obtains satisfaction from the consumption of his products. In trying to satisfy the consumer, the marketer has to understand him very well. He has to find out exactly what his needs and wants are. He has to know how the consumer thinks, how he makes decision, how he spends his income. In short the marketer must understand or know practically everything, which will enable him to satisfy the consumer very well. This is why it is very necessary for a professional marketer to study the behaviour of the consumers.

But I need to point out here that the marketer in order to do the right thing and ensure consumer satisfaction must have the right behaviour himself. If the marketer has the wrong behaviour, consumer dissatisfaction will result. Sometimes marketers have used or exhibited wrong behaviour which had ugly consequences on their organisation.

Marketers should not only study the behaviour of their consumers, they should equally ask themselves if they possess the right behaviour which is prerequisite for doing the right thing.

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