
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Collection of Specimens

The method of collection of specimens depends on the habitat being studied and the type of specimens to be collected. Each specimen should be put into a clearly labelled container that states the name (identified) or code number (unidentified) of the specimen. Records of other details should be entered in the note book.

     Since the aim of the collection is for study, organisms which can be studied in the habitat should not be collected. Usually, only organisms found in habitats which are difficult for study, e.g. water and soil , are collected

Quadrat sampling

A quadrat  Is a  rectangular or square frame made from thick wire. The Quadrat is thrown at random several times and, on each landing, the area covered by it is observed. The type of species and their number within the Quadrat are recorded. The average number of time the species appears is calculated and the most frequent or dominant species is then determined.

    Some Quadrats are specifically made to mark off an area for the study of seasonal variation of plants. They are sturdier, larger and permanent and can thus serve their purpose through the seasons. These quadrats often have a mapping grid attached so that the flora within it can be mapped at regular intervals.

Transect method

Here, a taped marked at convenient intervals is stretched across the area. The plants encountered at the interval marks are recorded. This is repeated a few times. In this way, a fairly accurate estimate of the number and types if plants in the area can be made.

    Plants as usually collected in plastic bags. The plants must be handled carefully and not be exposed to the sun, so as not to damage them.