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Friday 23 November 2018

Control of Diseases

There main divisions under the ministry of health are responsible for the control of disease in the country. These are

• the protective division
• the sanitary division and 
• the medical division.

These divisions have departments  and representative in all the urban and rural areas. Protective and  sanitary divisions, known ad the public health authority, employ public health and sanitary inspectors and labourers. The medical division which included the national health service, employs trained medical staff.

Protective division :

The following are the main responsibilities of this division in the control of diseases:

• to ensure a high standard of food hygiene to control and spread of food borne diseases.

• to supply clean water for drinking (urban areas) , and prevent pollution of public water supply to control the spread of water borne diseases.

• to prevent carriers of infectious diseases from foreign countries  from entering the country at airports, sea ports and border station.

• to organize vaccination and screening programmes. (This is usually carried out by the local health authorities and the school medical services.)

• to be alert to an any outbreaks of infectious diseases in the district and inform the public on the precautions to take to control its spread.

• to keep all public places, such as markets, public latrines, drains, etc., clean and free of pests and disease causing organisms. This includes killing stray dogs.

Sanitary Division :

The following are the main responsibilities of this division in the control of diseases:

•  to ensure the removal and proper disposal of sewage , especially in urban areas.

• to make sure that refuse is collected and disposed of properly.

• to keep public burial grounds and cemeteries clean and hygienic.

• to ensure that in rural areas pit latrines and bathrooms are provided , and that public squares, market place and pathways are kept clean.

Medical Division:

This division provides  the medical services essential in the control and treatment of diseases. It is , therefore, responsible for 

• setting up and supervising general hospitals, clinics, maternity centres and health centres;

• providing school health services, school dental services and welfare services;

• employing doctors, nurses, midwives and other medical staff for the above establishments; and 

• supervising the filling of medical record and the compilation of health statistics.

• updating medical and paramedical staff through regular seminars, workshops, etc.

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