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Sunday 11 November 2018

Radiation Pollution

Radiation is an invisible and extremely dangerous pollutants. It is a form of energy that is emitted as rays, waves or particles by radio active substances. Some radiation reaches earth from the sun and outer space. A large amount comes from wastes from nuclear power plants and radioactive fallout from testing of nuclear weapons. A certain amount of radiation is also emitted by various electronic devices such as lasers, x-ray machines, colour television sets and micro wave ovens.

   Low levels of radiation do not affect adults. Pregnant women, however, should not be exposed to even low levels as the radiation may cause defects in the unborn child. High levels can cause various types of cancers, genetic mutations and eventually death. Genetic changes can affect future generations if they occur in the reproductive cells.

   Fallout from nuclear weapon tests g can get onto vegetation, be eaten by primary consumers and so be passed along a food chain and become concentrated in the final consumer causing untold harm.

Note : fallout refers to the tiny radioactive particles (radioactive dust) that fall to earth after a nuclear explosion.