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Friday 23 November 2018

Teaching Hospitals

In Nigeria, both federal and stage governments have established teaching hospitals in virtually all federal and state universities that have medical schools. These teaching hospitals performs the following functions :

• training medical doctors , nurses and medical laboratory scientist ;

• training of personnel's in other paramedical areas, such ad physiotherapy, medical records, dietetics, radiography, etc.

• giving tertiary medical care to referral cades from other hospitals;

• carrying tertiary medical care to referral cases from other hospitals;

• carrying out intensive medical research on delicate and complicated cases, their success in which had led to medical breakthrough, this earning for them " centres of excellence " in the particular area concerned.

• training of specialist medical doctors.

World Health Organizations (WHO) :

This is a specialized unit of the united Nations organization. It came into being in 1948 and had its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Its aim is to improve the health of people in all countries.

   WHO efforts have completely wiped out small pox and yaws throughout the world and effectively controlled malaria in Italy and Greece. It main functions include the following:

• it promoted measures for the control of the world major diseases through

1. Vaccination programmes
2. Use of antibiotics and insecticides
3. improving facilities for diagnosis and prevention;
4. Improving water supplies and sanitary conditions; and 
5. Health education.

• it has set up a set of international sanitary regulations . this includes quarantine regulations. Under quarantine regulations governments are obliged to notify WHO of diseases subject to quarantine, e.g. plaque, cholera, and yellow fever. The information received by WHO is beamed by radio to health authorities. Ports , airports and ships at sea. A world wide list of infected areas, for each of the diseases subject to regulations, is published weekly by WHO. Health authorities rely on such information to take precautions against the importation of diseases that does not exist in their countries.

• it is involved in compiling an international pharmacopoeia (book of drugs and their preparation). It has also standardized the units used for drug dosage. 

• it coordinates research in all fields of health and sends outs results to all member nations. Such information included the latest developments in cancer and Aids research, use of vaccines, nutritional discoveries SNF health hazards of radiation.

• it provides advice and help on health matters  to member nations on request. This includes 

1. Sending scientists, doctors, fieldworkers and educationists in the fields of medicine and public health;

2. Settling up medical and public health personnel; and

3. On the spot training programmes and scholarship for medical and public health staff.

The activities of the WHO in Nigeria include

• efforts to eradicate malaria;
• fighting hunger and malnutrition by supplying dried milk and drugs through the united Nations children fund (UNICEF) and 

• providing advisers and consultants on health matters, and medical equipment to most hospitals.

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