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Sunday 23 December 2018

Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous plants have special devices for attracting and trapping insects. These devices usually have bright colours, scents and sugary liquids. Once an insect is trapped, the plant secretes enzyme rich digestive juices to kill and digest it. The soluble nitrogenous compounds are then absorbed and assimilated by the plants.

   Carnivorous plants have several devices for trapping insects. In the pitcher plant, the leaf is modified into a pitcher containing a digestive fluid. The run of the pitcher is colourful and smooth, and nectar is secreted near it. Insects are attracted to the nectar, and while trying to get at it, they slip and fall into the digestive fluid in the pitcher.

    In the Venus flytrap, the leaf is like animal trap, and the two halves fold inwards. There are long sensitive hairs along the edge of the leaf. If an insect brushes on one of these hairs as it lands on the leaf, the two halves quickly shut to trap it.

     In the sundew, the upper surface of the leaf has colourful minute sticky hairs. These trap an insect that lands on the leaf.

   The bladderwort is a floating aquatic plant that is insectivorous. It has finely divided leaves that bear many small bladders used for trapping insects. Each bladder has a narrow opening, blocked by a valve with a hair like trigger. When an insect touches the trigger, the valve opens; water rushes into the bladder, sucking in the insect with it

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