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Monday 10 December 2018

Some Diseases of Crop Plants

Crop - Diseases - Agent - Control

• Rice - Blast: small brown spots on leaves which rapidly enlarge; in severe cases leaves dry up - Fungus - Use resistant variety: flood the nursery to reduce infection: use fungicides like Bordeaux mixture

• Maize - Rust : Causes premature death of leaves - Fungus - Use resistant variety; change planting times; apply sulphur dust or other fungicides like Agrosan on grains before planting

• Groundnut - Rosette : Leaves shoe mottling; plant becomes stunted and bunched, and dies - Virus spread by aphids - Use healthy seeds; pull out infected plants and burn them; use insecticide to destroy aphids

• Cassava - Cassava mosaic: mottling of leaves - Virus spread by white flies - Use healthy cuttings and mosaic tolerant varieties; destroy white flies

• Cassava - Wilt: leaves wilt and fall off - Bacteria - Early planting; use balanced fertilizers; use resistant varieties; destroy infected plants; use crop rotation scheme that starves out the bacteria

• Banana - Bunchy top disease: Causes stunted growth, with leaves becoming crowded at the top - Virus spread by aphids - Burn all infected plants

• Cacao - Swollen shoot disease - Virus - Destroy infected plants and healthy plants surrounding the infected ones

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