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Friday 2 March 2018

Wonder Woman 2: Warmer Bros in talks with Kristen Wiig

Photo of Kristen wiig

The big hit movie production company may have found a useful role character for the "Cheetah"  in the Wonder woman season 2 movie coming soon.
According to sources Warner bros is in talks with Kristen wiig over a role in the movie.

The summer of 2017 was a wonderful year for the studio production company after the release of the movie Titled "Wonder woman"  with party Jenkins.

The movie was starting Gal daddot as the prince Diana, wonder woman is a hit after making a hit in the Box office.
Warner Bros latter announced the release of comic con of ' Wonder woman' giving the date of release till 2019.
With the release date later to be unveiled in November 2019, the production of the movie will begin in the summer of 2018

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