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Sunday 19 August 2018

The Third Principle of Wealth Creation is Wisdom

Wisdom is Any Knowledge  or information which has been screened, Tried, Tested and Proven to be a Universal Truism. Their is no Knowledge that is Wisdom Other than Truth. The World will only Present to you Half Truths, mixed with lots of lies or false teachings, but the Knowledge of God is true, (Tried and Tested). The bible is the oldest Book on the Surface of the Earth and Yet the most Current book and Accurate. No part of its teaching has been proven Wrong, they are all true from ages to ages. Most great scientist, Scholars and Educationist got their inspirations from studying the bible history holds this Fact!

Wisdom as some Would say can be called knowledge acquired by experience but not all knowledge gotten by experience is true. Most of our experiences are faulty, because they take our weakness or misfortunes as realities and so they are fashioned by our weakness or limitations. Because one man tried something severally and it did not work does not mean that it would not work for you.

An educated illiterate is any man who all he knows is what he read from school and this set of people can only do well on theoretical demonstration of knowledge. They are very good in telling all the things that cannot work but they have not practical knowledge of the things that work. When a task Comes to the to do what they claim they learnt from school, they fail. Knowledge should must be rested upon the one we acquire from our formal education, we need to compare it with the gotten through experience, observation and creative thinking to come to a Reasonable conclusion.
To discover the Knowledge gotten through Experience that is Wrong, we need a great foundational knowledge of God, His word and the universe. The Cosmos and the Everlasting Gates.
Outside experience , one can acquire wisdom through an Intimate relationship with God: by talking daily walk with him, by studying his word daily and Communicating with him in Prayer.

Only God Can teach you the rudimentary knowledge that makes one wise, for instance; the mysteries of numbers, signs and symbols , Laws and covenants, the elements and the ancient Gates. A wise and prudent child of God should seek wisdom and knowledge everyday, because without it we cannot succeed in our endeavours. Wisdom is that knowledge that the Philosophers would define as " That is just the way it is". Once you here this from a Philosopher, then the information in Question is a Universal Truism.
Tertiary education cannot deliver to you wholistically all you need to survive. Without wisdom you cannot go far in your business or vocation. So also knowledge only cannot make a man a Success but knowledge that is backed with action.
There is no business or vocation that is new under the heavens, what we need to do is to study the mistakes of our predecessors and find out what mountains they faced in pursuing their vocation, then we take necessary measures to put them in check. He who refuse to learn from history shall definitely Repeat History.

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