
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Saturday 18 August 2018

How To Generate Traffic to Your Website In England

Generating Traffic To A Website is the Most Difficult Tasks For website Owners in General, Especially Web Owners In England.

Online Blogs And Freelance Writers  Has Talked So much About Generating Traffic To a Website, But One thing they Fail to Relay to Website Owners is Having Enough Content On their Website.

Content is the Key to Every Website Ranking On Google First Page, Two Hundred Or Three Hundred  Contents Written on Your Blog Does not Give Your Blog or any Website  A Guaranty To rank On the First Page of Google , Yandex or Bing.

Based On Experience Am Telling You This. A lot of People And Online Website Will offer You Packages To Rank On Google First Page, Please Don't Buy those Packages, It might Do Your Beautiful Website A Few Harm.

In England, Especially The Cities of London and Manchester I noticed Bloggers are Coming Up On Daily Basis. The Truth Still remains To Any One Who intends to Blog in England , He or She has To Be Patient To achieve His Goals in this Industry.

So, Back to the Topic  on " How to Generate Traffic to your Website In England". 
The Job Is Quite A Difficult one, But Sure You here to Learn From Us , So You can Build Your Blogging empire Successfully.

To Generate More Traffic to your Website, First You Have to Add A Subscribe Widget to Your Website.

This Widget Plays A Very Significant Role Especially For Visitors, It Plays A Large One Just like  we Have Experienced on our website. 

When We started Soccerepe Website, We Added the Subscription Button Before the Blog post. This made Our Visitor See Our Subscription Box Before Viewing Our Content.

It Meant Alot To Us That if our Visitors Liked What they Read on Our Blog, They Would Easily Look Out to Our Subscription .

The second way of Generating Traffic to Your website is By  Updating Your Blog on A Regular Basics.
Adding More Blog content to Your Post Encourages Google To Look out for Your  Content, This Way You send Google Webmaster tool A Signal That You Do Frequently Have an Updated Website.

This method Draws A lot of traffic To Our Website When We Started. Initially We Had Around 100 Visitors But when We Started Updating Our Content on A Daily Basics, There was Increase of Search Visitors from 100 to 8,000  A Day.

England is such a Loving Country, 80% Of Grown Up this Days Visits Online Blogs To keep to  the Latest Information Around Their City. 
So When You have a Regularly Updated Blog, It Gives You the Credit you Deserve On Google Search Page Or Bing.

I Hope this Article solves Your Issue of Generating Traffic To Your Website , And Please Endeavour Not to Loose Money to Online Websites Offering to Grow Your Website Blogs. 

See you Another Time

1 comment:

Segun Adebayo said...

Thanks! But what of in Nigeria?