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Wednesday 29 August 2018

Origin of Man in Africa

   Archaeological evidences  reveal that early man originated from Africa. The evidence of man development from apes are incomplete and recent claim has it that relics found in south and east Africa revealed the origin of man.

     We will examine the various stages which man has undergone.

   However the skull of the earliest man found in East Africa, in Kenya, shows man in his ape like form. He has a very narrow jaw which prevented him from being able to speak. He could not have been able to hold his head erect.

   Much more recently , the remains of homo Habilis were found. Habilis hear means ability

This is a stage of the origin of man whose organs of sight, touch, heating and movement of the body were developed like ours, but had a smaller brain capacity. He could make fire and possibly shape crude stone tools from rocks.

  Their skulls resembled those of apes. Their posture was like that of the apes. One unique characteristics of the homo erectus. 'Erectus' as it implies indicates that man could stand up straight at this level. Yet, his face was still ape like , but the bones of his thigh and legs showed that he could stand up straight.

  In ever respect, he developed in brain and skill than his predecessors. He could think more clearly than them, and even had a sort of language. But when compared to the modern man, he could not reason well.

   Man reached his last stage of beibg  called the homo sapiens, the wiser  Man and physiology and anatomy of the fossils were much much like ours. He could  reason like us. He developed a distinct language, and a mode of worship.

They lived in community Like the primitive men and had a part of the brain controlling thought and speech, which  was larger than that of Homo Erectus.

   There is no doubt that the modern man is a species if homo sapiens.

Early homo sapiens made tools and clothed themselves with the skin of animals. They built their shelter with the little knowledge they acquired upon which are now developing.

   The Homo sapiens approach to life was based on superstition and the magic matter than on science. He thought that his hunting and farming could be successful if he offered sacrifice to his gods. His religion was influenced by fear and ignorance. This is why he worshiped fore and thunder. He also worshiped sun which he thought helped his crops to grow.

   A famous archaeologist L.S.B Leakey who also discovered in 1963 that private life began in Africa found a fossil which  he called Kenya pithecus wickeri from a cave in Kenya. His fossil was dated back to about 13 to 15 million years ago.

   These various evidence found in a rift valley around lake Victoria in Tanzania and fort ternas in Kenya in east Africa and Botswana in south Africa make us accept the fact that modern man evolved from Africa, more than a million years ago.

  It is from here that the individual human beings spread to other continents of the world , especially to Asia and Europe.

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