
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Technology and economic development

Nature has given every country some natural resources. The extent to which  each country utilizes the gifts of nature depends on the country's mastery of technology. A country with a well developed technology makes maximum use of it gifts for the benefits of its people.

A country with an under developed technology cannot male adequate use of its resources. It will sell its raw materials at low prices to developed countries and buy the end products at exorbitant prices from the same people Who bought the raw materials. A situation may  arise where people have enough fertile land for agriculture, but continue to depend on other people for food and clothing. Such people spend more money buying goods and service than they get from the raw materials they sell. This gives rises rise to a very poor state of economy. There will be insufficient  food and clothing, poor shelter, poor Health, inefficient means of transportation and communication and ineffective internal and external security.

  A well developed technology will make a flourishing oasis out of a desert through irrigation programmes, while an underdeveloped technology  can make people starve in a 'Garden of Eden'.

   A good educational system creates a sound base for the development of technology, if it is comprehensive and technology oriented. It encourages people to make use  of both their brains and hands to acquire suitable knowledge and skills to design and produce methods and processes that will enable them to make maximum use of their resources for the benefit of society.

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