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Friday, 24 August 2018

The Fifth Principle Of Wealth Creation

  Faithfulness to oneself and to other people is a very big quality in becoming a success in one's life agenda. It is so sarcastic that some people even deceive their own selves which is a very terrible thing. They do not just deceive other people that come around, they also deceive their own self.

Before you can succeed in anything you embark upon you must be trustworthy and truthful to yourself and to people around you. A man deceives himself when he is not telling himself the truth about the reality of events and issues around him. When he does not know what he can do and what he cannot do.
(Wealth acquired in a dubious way would not stand; it will soon vanish or crumble because it has no foundation).

A dubious and a dishonest person is a person that is wicked to himself because all I'll gotten wealth would be paid back with interest multiplied a thousand times according to spiritual ordinances. It is better to be poor than to get wealth in dubious way. No other foundation can a man lay other than that which has been laid from the foundation of the universe which is truth. A dishonest man or a man who like to outsmart people is simply building on a sand foundation, which will surely crumble when cause and effect checks in, for every man's work is tried by fire.

It is folly to start s business without considering or acknowledging the necessary legal frame work and ethics required in doing such a business , the first thing you mist do when you want to start a  business is to register it with all the necessary regulatory authorities for the field of business that you want to involve in, as established by the laws of the land.

Tax evasion is another form of foolishness most business owners try to involve themselves into, it is an honourable thing to pay taxes and be corporate citizen of a country. Always work to fulfil all righteousness so that your business or vocation can have an easy drive. Some people always like to  cut corners or pass thorough the short cuts, let this not be part of yoht working principles. This approach to doing business you must be straight forward and keep your word. It is also a wise business strategy to at times give people a chance to make profit off you and your company. Dont try to be an Almighty in business, be real and let your business have a human face to it. Do not let your customer see you as too smart or invincible in business, let them know that both you and your company, is accommodating to suggestions and to new ideas. Let your clients know that their word counts and they are part of the process.

Of you do not deliver on your promised s in business, soon you will be out of business. To accumulate wealth through your vocation or business, you must keep your word, your word must represent you anywhere anytime.

Infidelity in marriage also affects a Man's performance in his business a person that want to build riches and financially security must jeep away from lre marital extramarital sex. If there is no peace in your home or in your life, there is nothing you can achieve with that, you must love, respect and cherish your family, to be happy and successfull in life.

While your plans are still in the incubator or planning stage you are too close your mouth about it and not to tell it to every dick and harry that you meet.

Money making requires some level of secrecy; otherwise you won't be able to build on whatever you are planning to do. Do not count your chicks while they are yet to be hatched, so keep your mouth shut until your plan materialize.

Be a man of integrity and discipline yourself if you must get to the apex of your career. Time is money and you must learn to keep to time in business. The more attention you give to doing the right thing the easier it will be to prosper in tour business.

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