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Friday, 24 August 2018

The Sixth Principle Of Wealth Creation

   Acknowledging that what we are dealing with in business are humans and not robots. If humans where robots, we can order them any way we please, but to make humans do whatever you want them to do for you without any force, joust or resentment, is not easy. Humans have a mind, a brain loaded with thoughts filters, that help them decide what to give in or what not.

Any man who has mastered the art of beating his thought filters of the human mind is said to be an expert salesman.
Humans are the ladder we climb to the top of our career and if you want to accumulate wealth, you must learn the art of influence or persuasion; to make other people do what you want them to do without any form of rejection. Of you have this skill; to persuade people without leaving them with an I'll feeling, then you are not very far from your Millions.

Everybody needs to have the skill of salesmanship, because you must sell whatever you do to be success in it.
Employees need to sell themselves to their employers and product manufacturers need to woo their perspective consumers into buying their products.

Generally , anybody that does not know how to package himself or herself both in public, at home or in in their office would have problems in getting a smooth relationship with people and in returns his ability to climb the ladder of life will be hampered.

The area of etiquette that most people are found wanting is in the  area of communication. Most people do not have good communication skills: in both the verbal and non verbal communication. The way you dress , and carry yourself really matters, clothes have connection to success. When you dress like a prosperous person, your life would also attract prosperity. The way you dress is the very way people would address you, everybody wants to associate with success. When communicating with people, the best skills include : listening, asking questions and rapport making, if you can make people feel like a king around then you will not find it difficult to get their good will.

If you can listen to people without interrupting them, no matter how unpalatable what they are saying is, an then you ask one or two questions, then you can easily persuade them the way you want. Listening is one of the strongest communication skills that you can ever use to influence people while selling your ideas or product to them.

When you go into a  new business, after a thorough feasibility study, the next most important thing that you have to do is to gather intelligence on the likely behaviour tendencies of the prospective customers of your products or services.

Good salesmanship entails proper packaging of your goods/services to cause acceptability and credibility image is everything!

How your product looks, how it is perceive really matters to make it sellable and boost customer acceptability. To try to force your customers to accept what they font like is like throwing oneself against a brick wall.
Selling is a psychological battle and it must be fought only in the mind and not by joust. If you cannot win the battle before meeting with your prospect, then you cannot win it when you meet the prospect. If you can hive your customers what they want they too would in turn give you what you want on a platter of gold.

If you can succeed in building uo a bag of satisfied customers for your business then be rest assured that your business will stand when you go into business, seek ye first the kingdom kg sales then every other thing will follow

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