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Saturday 18 August 2018

Understanding is the Second Principle of Wealth Creation

  To understand is to see the two sides of coin, to know the Good side and the bad side of a Concept. Except you study carefully to discover the Hazards, the merits and the Upheavals of going into a Vocation/business, it would meet You by surprise and Would Destroy all your effort like a Cyclone. There are fundamental Knowledge's that you are expected to acquire to guarantee success in anu Business or Vocation that you Choose to embark Upon. What ever is Worth doing, is worth doing well, you must give time to study your vocation thoroughly, to see the ancient monsters that you must confront on the way to your chosen vocation. If you do not do this, the unseen forces would swallow up your Capital, effort and resources. You can do your study through  observation, Research or formal education. We live in the information age:  the age that proved the phenomenon; opportunities at the tip of your finger just at the click of one button, anywhere, anytime.
People who still fail in business in this age are the ignorant people who refuse to become 21st Century compliant by giving attention to what really Matters (Which is information).

The ideas that change things and move businesses forward are usually to simple or too good to be true and as such the unlettered mind ignore them.

To become relevant in your area of Business in this age you have to study to become an expert in it; this is the age of professionalism, People must see you as A Consultant in what you do or as an Authority figure in what you do. In this age Yesterday strategist are obsolete today.

  To get to the realm of financial freedom. You must study to become an Expert in your Area of Business or Vocation and You must be Able to efficiently pass your ideas to other people without Struggle.
Another reason why we must study is to be able to Package our ideas/business in a way that beat the emotional or psychological filters of the minds of our prospective customers/investors over our godds and Services. You have to do some market Research to find out how people would behave or respond to such an idea or product then you decided what to do to boost acceptability and Credibility.

Many businesses Fail because the owners Refuse to study their prospective customers behaviour tendencies towards their products, Goods or services.

There is no business or vocation that does not have hazards in it. You have to study what made your predecessors succeed and work to improve on it, and find out the reasons for those who failed and put them in check.

University education is the basic or foundation Knowledge that we need to be successful in life but the knowledge  that makes a Man prosperous in his endeavours can be found within or outside the four walls of a Tertiary Institution. The great scientist and educationalist of the world did not zget their Own education from within a University but they got it through observation, Creative Imagination and inquisitively.

Albert Eisteen , Once said that reading too much books to find out what Works can damleen your creative Faculty.
University Education is very good but whether you have it or not You can still accumulate Wealth, if you have the right kind of formation or principles that brings Money, which is what this book intends to achieve.

When you are studying or doing research to create a Plan or purpose, always think on Paper. Put a Pen and a Plane sheet Of Paper around You to Write down your Observations, Revelations or inspirations.

You must also learn to keep your mouth shut concerning your ideas or inspirations while you are still working on them until the plan or idea materializes, to keep people from plagiarizing your ideas or concept. Talking too much can lesson your ability to work on your plans, the more you blab about your concepts the lesser the fire of its passion in you. Nobody sees what is in a Pregnancy until its Delivered.

Do not try to run more than one idea or concept at the same time, it would not work. It is an age of specialization. Pull all your eggs in one basket, Focus all your Energy, time and effort on one vocation. The world is moving very fast and this is the only way you can catchup with it and become relevant in your industry.

In this Age, everybody must specialize in something and Keep acquiring more knowledge or information about it ceaselessly.

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