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Friday 31 August 2018

Uniqueness Of Man

In Examining the origin of man, from the African history premises, man resembles his ancestors. If we look at man's history from Darwin's point of view, man shares some characteristics with the animals. Yet, man possesses  certain qualities which other animals do not have. He is a unique animal.

   Physically man is unique in many respects. Man stand erect and walk erect. Man does not walk on his limbs as other animals do. He works on two feet. Man also has longer arms and legs, which are even longer than his body. The backbone of man is  shaped in manner that enables him stand erect. However , that of animal is made a bow shape that only enables movement on four limbs.

   Finally each of man's two hands has five fingers with which he holds things and eats his food. But, that of other animals are, used to support them while walking and this is why many animals use their mouth to pick their food.

   Biologically, man has a more complex  brain than the animals. Structurally, the brain is even larger. This is the core of all differences that exist between the animal and man. It has enabled man to live a fuller life, develop his culture and technology; and he achieved the present status quite distinct from that of the animals. More importantly, a sharp retentive memory.

   Socially , man has certain characteristics which distinguish him from the rest of the animals. Man has culture which he jealously guides. Every human society develops culture which it passes from one generation to another.
Culture is a way of life peculiar to a group of people. However, there are ample evidences in recent years that animals also have a form of culture. It will be sufficient to say that has a more complex culture; religion,marriage and leadership are few of the social qualities found among them men. But not among the animals.

    Adaptation to the environmental  conditions is one of the factors for human uniqueness.

   He has a shelter, and clothing to protect himself from cold. In hot situation or climate the air conditioner is also available to provide fresh and cool air. We can therefore, see that technology is an aspect of culture which enables man to fit into his environment effectively.

   Another aspect of culture that distinguish man is language. With the use of language, culture is preserved and passes from one generation to another but animals do imitate one another; they cannot record their experiences.

Man's behaviour is a function of his culture. He behaves in socially acceptable ways and he provides himself with those things that make him adapt to any situation in which he finds himself. He makes tools to achieve his ends of obtaining food, tilling ground, building houses etc. Man discovered that it is necessary to cooperate with others in the society. In the society, man and value create class difference. A society comprises of classes of the rulers and the followers, the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak, yet , there are established rules of governance for the  up keep of the society.

   Man adapts to cultural variation. If an African should travel to the Arctic region, which is relatively cold, he would quickly adapt himself by wearing thick sweaters. He also changes his food to that which is available. The Africans who live in the tropics, adapt to their climatic conditions just as the Eskimos and the other races who live in the temperate regions. As distinct from animals, men are inter dependent in their economic system. Africans may import food and technology from Europeans. This is because man has developed a sense of co operative living. Those who live in the riverine areas build their houses in certain ways and do such occupation like fishing. 

  Man is more naturally developed than animals, more intelligent and more understanding and the the bible supports this. After creating all other creatures, God asked Adam, the first man, according to the bible, to call them names. Verse 19 of Chapter 2 of Genesis has this to say ".............  and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof" . And verse 20 concluded, ' and Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air, and every beast of the field! This is a biblical testimony to the supremacy of man over animals and, indeed, all other creatures.

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