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Friday 31 August 2018

Comparison of Various Myths and Stories of Origin of Man

I have considered four stories in all, so far in this topic about origin of man. We have religion and  Yoruba mythology which recognise the almighty Godcor the olodumare as the creator of the universe and all therein.

   They both claim that in the state of nature, this earth was flooded with water. It was with the command of the supreme being that land emerged. Both also hold that man was created, and  most essentially when God Breathed into his nostrils, man became a living soul. A single claim is outstanding, that man was created by the Supreme Being.

   Darwin's evolution theory is completely different; it does not believe that man developed out of a series of biological transformation. It resembles the historical  origin of man in Africa story in that man developed in stages, and that man developed out of an apelike mammal which also Developed from fossils.

   History and evolution myths do not make something clear, that is, who created the fossils and the inanimate matter?

   After all, nothing could arise from nothingness. Another question is to know whether man has stopped to develop. If not , why has man stopped from about 100,000 years ago to develop into something else?

  The problem which student and graduate should address their mind to is, which of these stories is read? Why should we prefer one to the other?  The account of the origin of man is an unsettled controversy.

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