
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Thursday 20 September 2018

Attitude Adaptive Strategies

The strategies used by marketer to address the existing attitudes when he is not concerned with changing them are known as adaptive strategies. We have two of such strategies,namely.

(1) Reinforcing Existing Users Attitudes: The marketer uses advertising to maintain users' positive attitude towards their brand. In this way,the company is ensuring the loyalty of its core users.

(2) Attracting New Users to Existing Brands:Marketers will attract new users to existing brands by demonstrating product benefits that satisfy unmet needs. Frequently marketers will attract new users by extending their appeal to new segments.


One of the things the marketer is concerned with in  his strategy is changing consumer attitudes. Strategies of attitude change are harder to implement than strategies of attitude reinforcement. To be effective in changing consumer attitudes the marketer should note or recognize the following principles of attitude change.

(1) Attitudes are easier to change than needs. Marketers could seek to change consumers needs or they could seek to change attitude towards a brand within a given set of needs.

(2) The cognitive component of attitude (beliefs) is easier to change than the effective component (evaluations)

(3) Weak attitudes are easier to change the strong ones.

(4) Attitudes held by consumers with less confidence in their brand evaluation are easier to change.

(5) Attitudes are easier to change when information is ambiguous.

(6) Attitudes are easier to change when there is a low level of ego involvement.

(7) Attitudes are easier to change when conflict, one or both will change to come into balance.