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Sunday, 30 September 2018

Buying Motives of Consumers

     Buying motives are all these impulses desires, and considerations of the consumer which impel or induced the purchase of certain goods from particular firms. Buying motives can be classified as product motives and patronage motives. This consumer impulses desires and considerations planning why consumers buy certain products attempt product buying motives or simply product motives, whereas those influences within the consumer's explaining why they bought from a particular firm or outlets are designated patronage motives.


     Product motives relate to product or brand choice behaviour. Consumers buying decisions are influenced by both what they are buying and from whom they are buying. Sometimes the product is the consumers only concerned. At other times, the company or outlet that the consumer wants to give patronage to is the major factor or the order decision.
Product motives originated from a reaction to the futures of a product and cause a consumer to buy one specific product in preference to another. a consumer who is thinking primarily in terms of the product concentrate on the specification on attributes of the product and the benefits it offers. It does not matter particularly where the product is found. The consumer will probably keep searching until it is located. For example a person who is topping for a set of tires for a car is thinking in terms of branch and types and prices. The image that has been created for each brand as well as the features and advantages of each type will be the major factor in the buying decisions. The sales person or marketer dealing with such a consumer must have extensive product knowledge, because the consumer will most likely ask for detailed information.


Product motives have long been classified as emotional and rational. Emotional motives are those which encourage the consumer to buy a certain products without carefully considering the reason for and against the action. Such motives are aroused by suggestion description or association of ideas not by a process of reasoning. Emotional products motives are said to appeal to the consumers desire to emulate others, pride, desire for comfort fear of monotony, ambition, affection, curiosity, fear, romanticism , and they wish to be distinctive.

In contrast, rational product motives for buying are usually described as those which involve conscious reasoning about a course of action. To arose such motives, it is necessary to present a valid reasons for purchases, thus indicating the logic of taking the action suggested. For example, an advertisement for a particular make of electric refrigerator mistress economy. It may point out that certain mechanical improvements have resulted in a product that will perform efficiently for a long period of time than competing products and at a lower operating cost. Here the aim is to get the reader to reason his way to the conclusion that reduces the machine he should buy. The appeal is to a rational product motive. Other similar appeals include convenience, dependable repair service, uniformity of quality, and economy in price.