
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Monday, 10 September 2018

Careers in Home Economics

   Home Economics prepares one for home and other careers. These careers can also be listed under the three broad groups I.e. food and nutrition, clothing and textile and home management.

(a) Careers in Food and Nutrition

i. Nutrition: they serve as caterers or cooks to people , in the boarding houses, hospitals etc.

ii. Catering : They serve as caterers or cooks to people, in the boarding houses , hospitals etc.

iii. Hotel management: This involves the management of a hotel and all the services with in as a business.

iv. Teaching: The individual Herr teaches food and nutrition to students both in the secondary and higher institutions depending on the individuals level of education.

V. Research fellow:  Here the individual researches into different typed of food especially the local foods to find out the amount of nutrition they contain, their functions sources and deficiency effects to the body.

vi. Food technology : A food technologist first applied the principles of food science and engineering and them distribution of food.

(b) Careers in clothing and Textiles

I. Designing : These people create and design different styles with different fabrics. It could be for local use or for exportation.

ii. Pattern illustration/ making : These people make the commercial patterns for sale. These are for different sizes.

iii. Beautification : These are in both hair and skin care.

Iv. Tailoring : people that sow cloths

V. Dry cleaners and launderers:  They dry clean and launder clothes for people, taking into consideration make up of different fabrics.

Vi. Modelling : Here, the people put on newly designed clothes for others to see. These new designs are published in books and magazines.

Vii. Clothes dyeing: This relates to dyeing and production of different patterns on cloth.

(c) Careers in Home management

I. Childcare centers/creche: here, nurseries are opened for working class parents to bring their babies. Total and motherly care are given to these babies.

ii. Advertisement and promotion : Here , people promote and advertise some household products for sale.

iii.  Interior decoration : the people learn how to decorate different houses for different functions.

iv. Research fellows: These people work in the research institutions.

V. Teaching: teachers in both junior and senior levels.

Vi. Educational services: though not part  of the institution but they render some educational services to different institution. This applies to all the groups.

vi. Journalism : writing articles on all aspects of home economics, it could be a journal on food or just a space in the news papers on foods.

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