
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Monday, 10 September 2018

Areas of Home Economics

Home economics is divided into three major aspect namely: (a) food and nutrition (b) clothing and textiles (c) Home management.
Each of the aspects is offered as a basic subject.

However , in the school section, it is taught as integrated Home economics, I.e all the different sections put together.

1. Food and nutrition : This is an aspect of home economics that deals with different questions such as :
What is Food , how to purchase it , What it contains , How to preserve and prepare it, what quantity and what type should be given to the body when not taken. The provision of answers to these questions follows the developmental trends of an individual.

2. Home management : This is an intermediary of home economics. It tends to bring the whole aspect together. It birders on the following areas of family health:
i. Family feeding .
2. Family clothing .
3. Family finances .
 4. Housing / home care .
5. Family relationship .
 6. Child care .
7. Household equipment.
 8. Utilities at home.
9. Interior decoration.
10. Consumer education and first aid.

3. Clothing and Textile: clothing and textile are similar to foods and nutrition, it deals with all aspect of textile fibres, origin, processes of production, properties, appearance both physical and under microscope and examination. It also brings out the construction and uses of different fabric patterns for different occasions. It teaches wise selection of fabrics and maintenance.

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