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Sunday 2 September 2018

How does one become a member of a community ?

    There are several ways by which one becomes a member of a community. For example, one becomes a member of a community if one is born within the said community. This is referred to as membership by birth. On the other hand. If a person moves from one area to settle in another area, then one becomes a member of his present community. But membership of people joining a new community from elsewhere is not automatic. Such a member may be accepted or rejected by older members of the community depending  on whether such a new member conforms or not with the rules and regulations of his new community.

   A person maybe accepted as a member of a community if he accepts the way of life of that community and secures a dwelling place.

   In Nigeria, one may move from his community to settle in a new environment for economic, political, social, religious and other reasons.
Farmers from the forest areas in Nigeria may move to settle in other forest areas different from their original place of settlement to find larger and more fertile land. This is a common practice among the farmers of Oyo , ondo, kwara states. Traders in the country may move from their homes to settle in cities and towns where they can easily carry out their trade. There are other occasions when school leavers and jobless individuals move into urban areas to find jobs and to settle in the new urban community.

   Political and religious persecution in the past could drive people out of their original homes to settle in a new peaceful environment for their own safety. Each  community is guided by its own rules and regulations and if such people agree to abide by them, they will become members of the new community. There are several ways and purposes for which a community may be formed.

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