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Monday 3 September 2018

How is a Community Formed ?

  A community is formed when people of common interests , aims and aspirations love together in an area. People of a community may not necessarily be of the same ethnic group , race , religion, political grouping etc.

  A new community may be voluntarily formed or may be formed by involuntary means.

   Involuntary movement caused by civil wars and inter tribal wars in the past drove some people to settle at one place or the other thereby establishing a new community.
During the Nigerian civil war (1967-1970), some ethnic groups moved from their original places of settlement to settle in the new locations to avoid attack by soldiers. In the past slaves who were transported from their original homes and latter released by the activities of the British anti slavery movements in the 19th century grouped themselves together and established a new community.
People had to live close to powerful chiefs and leaders in order to avoid enemy attack and as a result , some communities came into being.

    Religious persecution made some ethnic groups to move down towards the forest areas of Nigeria.

  The Fulani holy wars (jihads) carried out by uthman Dan fodio drove some northern tribes from their original homes to establish where they felt protected.

   As a result of unconscious movements, communities may be established. Hunters and traders especially may establish community without being forced.

  When hunters happen to find any area where they are likely to continuously get animals to hunt, they may establish huts which may latter develop into a village community.
Also when traders happen to find an area where they can easily practise their trade away from home, they may stay there and latter establish such an area as a community.
Villages , towns and cities may expand and join one another to bring about complete development of new communities. Such communities are formed as a result of past experience shared common history, aims and aspirations, identical culture, common religion, ,common territory, etc. This is also another example of unconscious development of communities.

  People move to establish communities voluntarily. For example, they may decide to settle in areas where economic opportunities are favourable. Or where  standards of living are though to be higher than those of their original home.
Like wise, people may voluntarily move and settle elsewhere because they want freedom of though and beliefs or as an adventure and sheer interests in certain parts of the country. 

  There are several other reasons why people establish communities. Economic depression may also compel people to seek work elsewhere. Natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes may also force people to new locations to establish communities.

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