
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Promotional Objective

Whether carried out domestically or international, promotion seek to achieve the same objectives in both marketplaces.
 The aim of all promotional efforts is to arouse sustainable interest in existing and protective consumers that will ultimately lead to purchase. Objectives given as follows:

To clarify customer's needs of the product.
To increase brand awareness.
To increase production knowledge.
To improve company image.
To increase brand preferences.
To stimulate behaviour to search for the product.
To increase repurchase rate.
To increase word of mouth recommendation for the product.
To improve financial position of the firm.
To increase flexibility of corporate image.
To increase co-operation from middlemen.
To enhance reputation with key public.
To build up ego of staff and management of the company etc.

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