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Wednesday, 19 September 2018

The Creative Process

Creativity involves the application of a persons mental ability and curiosity to some area, with the creation or discovery of something new as a result, in this case a new product. What is creative when perceiving new relationships between previously unrelated things. The creative process typically follows a series of steps :

1. Problem identification : The first step in developing creative solution to a problem or developing a new product is to clearly and unambiguously identify what to be solved. Random ideas are often useful, but creative thoughts seem to be stimulated by a clear problem statement. This focuses attention in the desired direction.

2. Information gathering : once the problem is clearly defined the individual looks for as much information as can reasonably be found on the subject or issue. Some creative ideas seemed to be nothing more than lucky breaks. Usually, however, creativity is increased by a large amount of careful study. Background information acts as a base for new ideas.

3. Active thought : after stating the problem and gathering information, new ideas are short. 1 then goes into thinking and focusing one's mind on the problem. This is hard mental work that takes many forms. During the stage of thinking deeply one needs especially to stay apart without disturbance in order to focus one's mind on the problem or issue.

4. Incubation : incubation is the period during which the subconscious mind is working on the problem when one is no more during active thinking. After thinking through the problem, a person might leave it alone for awhile. Often further immediate conscious thoughts may not be helpful. One may reach a point where it would be better to go for refreshment, take a walk, or even go to sleep. Whatever the activity selected, it should not be related to the problem that has been worked on. The conscious mind always should be free from all concerned with the problem.

Amazingly, however, the subconscious part of one's mind does not stop working on the problem during this period. Although we do not know exactly how it works, the subconscious mind keeps turning the problem over while we are doing something else, even while sleeping. This is the period of incubation.

 5. Illumination. Illumination is the stage when creative solution to a problem suddenly pops into one's conscious mind. This illumination may seem like a flash of light that suddenly makes clear what had before hand seemed hazy and ill-defined. After working on the problem, the subconscious seems to push the idea to the surface of the conscious mind.

Those who have engaged in creative thinking have often reported that the answer to a problem suddenly comes to them while they are doing something else. Suddenly, the pieces might fall into place while riding car, sitting at a desk command taking a shower or playing a game.

6. Application of solution : After a solution is found, it must be put into practice or use. For instance, after using creativity to determine how our products should be, its attributes or characteristics, we must go into development of the prototype that has those attributes or characteristics.