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Friday, 26 October 2018

Does God Feel Unhappy When People Suffer

Do you know that God is not happy with the happenings around the world , and what you are going through in life as a Person. The word of God says  " God is Justice". Do you think Jehovah God loves you. 
    The bible says, God deeply cares about what is wrong and what is right. Jehovah God really hates it when you and I suffer.
The word of God says , as quoted " his Heart is burdened". In the old testament God saw that the world was filled with evil, but he still Forgave us and allowed Mankind to trace their Step into serving Him (Jehovah God).

    Are you aware of what the bible says, Malachi chapter 3 verse 6 says ' that God has not changed. The book of peter chapter 5 verse 7 says that our Heavenly father Jehovah God Cares about us.

    Before we move forward , are you aware that you and I was created in Jehovah  image and likeness. Please if you feel bad when you see people Suffering, Then you should be rest assured that Jehovah God feels bad.

How do We prove this?

The first thing The Holy Bible teaches about God is as quoted " God is love".
Do you know  that everything starting from the creation of the world was inspired by love. The soul reason why you fall in love is because God loves us.

   Think about this , We Grow and Fall in love with Our fellow Humans (female) if God was not motivated by Love to Create Us, Do you think we would fall in love with an Opposite sex. You can think about this for a while.

God has a Plan for us, and in the beginning of the world he promised us something, but before those promises will be Fulfilled, we need to know more About Jehovah God.