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Saturday 8 December 2018

Classifying a Maize Plant, an African Elephant and a Human Being

Name of Level - Organisms that belong to the level

                                            MAIZE PLANT

• Kingdom - Plantae - All Plants

• Division - Tracheophyta - Vascular plants (having vessels for conduction of food and water)

• Superclass - Spermatophyta - Seed producing plants

• Class - Angiospermae -  - flowering Plants

• Subclass - Monocotyledon - Flowering plants; seeds have one seed leaf

• Order - Graminales - Grasses; leaves with  shearing leaf vases and inflorescence of spikelets

• Family - Graminacae - Cereals, millets, bamboos, reeds and grasses

• Genus - Sea - Maize plants; female inflorescence develops into a cob

• Species - Mays -  Cultivated maize plants

                                   AFRICAN ELEPHANT

• Kingdom - Animalia - All animals

• Phylum - Chordata - Animals with a notochord

• Subphylum - Vertebrata - Animals with a backbone

• Class - Mammalian - Animals with hair

• Order - Proboscidea - Large animals with long flexible trunk ( elongated nose)

• Family - Elephantidae - Elephants found in Asia and Africa

• Genus - Loxodonta - Elephants found in Africa; both sexes have tusks, large ears and two finger like lips at the end of the trunk

• Species - Africana - African Elephant

                                       HUMAN BEING

• Kingdom - Animalia - All animals

• Phylum - Chordata - Animals with a notochord

• Subphylum - Vertebrata - Animals with a backbone

• Class - Mammalian - Animals with hair

• Order - Primate - mammals with  grasping hands and feet

• Family - Hominidae - Ape man , primitive man and modern man

• Genus - Homo - Primitive man and modern man

• Species - Sapiens - Modern man

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