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Saturday 8 December 2018

Main Features used to Group Living Organisms into Kingdoms


• Kingdom Monera (Procaryotes ) 

Single celled, motile or non motile organisms. Organisms are microscopic. Cell structure is simple with no definite nucleus. Bacteria and blue green algae make up this kingdom.

• Kingdom Protists ( Eucaryotes) 

Single celled, motile or non motile organisms. Organisms are much than the monerans. Cell structure is complex with a definite nucleus. Members include chlamydomonas and amoeba.

• Kingdom Fungi (Eucaryotes)

Mainly  non motile organisms composed usually of threadlike structures or hyphae containing many nuclei. Members include moulds, mushrooms and slime moulds.

• Kingdom Plantae (Eucaryotes)

Many celled, non motile organisms which contain the green pigment chlorophyll that enables them to make their own food by photosynthesis. Members include mosses, ferns , pines, oil palms and yam bean plants.

• Kingdom Animalia ( Eucaryotes) 

Many celled, motile organisms that feed in other organisms. Members include corals, worms, insects, snails, fishes, frogs, snakes and cows.

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